Choose your web hosting plan for business

For plenty of power and room to grow, go Dedicated and get the whole box to yourself.
It all starts with a great domain.
Satisfy the world’s buyers with .com domain
Price: $10.99 was $20.99
Satisfy the world’s buyers with .fun domain
Price: $10.99 was $20.99
Satisfy the world’s buyers with .shop domain
Price: $10.99 was $20.99
Satisfy the world’s buyers with .tech domain
Price: $10.99 was $20.99

Choose hosting plan for you needs

We provide premium website & Fastest hosting as well as offering our web development and administration services to our amazing customers.

Shared Hosting

SAVE 50%
$ 12
.99 /month

Dedicated Hosting

SAVE 50%
$ 19
.99 /month

VPS Hosting

SAVE 50%
$ 29
.99 /month
About Us

Why Choose Hostiko!

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Advanced Hosting Features

How to choose the best web hosting
Maximum Performance
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WordPress Pre-Installed
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Free Let’s Encrypt SSL
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Advanced Management
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We've helped amazing companies to grow up faster!

Optimizer automatically minifies, compresses and optimizes your static files on the fly and provides.

Easy Lets Encrypt SSL!

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Real-Time Log Forwarding

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Real-Time Monitoring

Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus comd dolor accumsan lacus vel facilisis.

24/7/365 Live Support

Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus comd dolor accumsan lacus vel facilisis.

Advanced Security Features

Get unlimited SSL security certificates and Money back guarantee.

Protect your website from DDoS attacks with Cloudflaret & 24/7 Real-Time Expert Support

Ensure your website is up and running with our 99.9% uptime guarantee.

WordPress Site Needs for Success

We make WordPress easy and give you access to a variety of tools to get your website up and running in no time.

Happy Client’s Reivews

We are rated Excellent 4.8 out of 5 on

Our Clients

Build Your Website with Hostiko

From professional business to enterprise, we’ve got you covered!
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